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By and large in a sentence

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Sentence count:115+1Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: generallymore often than notmostlySimilar words: largelargelyat largeon a large scalea large number ofby and byby any meanstargetMeaning: adv. usually; as a rule. 
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91. We had moments of tension, but by and large our relationship was correct.
92. People at my age have opera love knot by and large.
93. In this paper, ACO algorithm is reviewed by and large. Firstly, the corresponding principle of biont and the implementing framework for ACO algorithm are introduced simply.
94. In a matter of six or seven years the socialist transformation of capitalist ownership and of individual ownership by small producers has by and large been completed.
95. By and large women believe that the workplace is a meritocracy, and it isn't.
96. However, take the paper by and large, I was vastly pleased with it.
97. The importance of human resources in business organisation as productive resources was by and large ignored by the accountants until two decades ago.
98. By and large, these warnings have turned out to be wide of the mark.
99. Third, by and large a four - year cyclical movement is also observable in all prefectures.
100. QEMU's virtual hardware is also, by and large, a bit dated; disks all appear to be PATA or Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) devices, depending on platform, and the video hardware is ancient.
101. This being said, it is my assessment that, what we have seen is by and large a dignified political campaign.
102. By and large[], the police do a dangerous job honourably.
103. By and large, the rules for healthy eating are the same during pregnancy as at any other time.
104. Taking it by and large, the conditions of employment are good.
105. Before liberation there was no was no heavy industry in China by and large.
106. The residents involved are by and large middle class and privileged — doctors, financiers, retired government bureaucrats — who thought they were immune to such capriciousness.
107. Republicans by and large recoiled at the taxes, Democrats at the cuts.
108. By and large, that has been a simple business arrangement.
109. By and large, the semantics of C ++ are much more stringently defined than those of C.
110. By and large, flex-fuel vehicles sacrifice ethanol's higher octane rating—and accept its poorer fuel economy—so they can also use widely available petrol.
111. OFCs, for their part, have by and large done well out of globalisation.
112. As a great theologist and thinker in Middle Ages, St. Aquinas by and large accepted the thesis that the just price is equal to the current market price.
112. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
113. Once this gate is opened, by and large Leninism is thrown away.
114. They have noted that , by and large , the newspaper, TV and radio of the opposition survived.
115. Even more amazing than the staggering number of cells, though, is the fact that, by and large, they all know what to do - whether to become skin or bone and so on.
More similar words: largelargelyat largeon a large scalea large number ofby and byby any meanstargetin charge oftake chargefriendlya bundle ofby airhardly anyby all meansby accidentflamboyantday and nightcargourgemarginemergesurgerysurgeonforget aboutdischargingemergencysolarsalarydeclare
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